Getting To Know You...


Wanna find out a lil more about yourself? These free assessments have been created with love and grace to assist you in delving deep and getting to acknowledge, forgive, trust and accept yourself.

Take Your  FREE Self-Love Assessment!

🌟 Wow! Kudos to you for taking this crucial step toward understanding and nurturing your relationship with yourself! 🌟

If you've made it this far, give yourself a hearty pat on the back. It's no small feat to pause, reflect, and be honest with yourself—especially when you're on a transformative journey like recovery. By taking this assessment, you've already shown a remarkable level of courage and self-awareness. Bravo! 👏

🌈 Your score is a mere snapshot of where you are right now in your relationship with yourself. Remember, it's absolutely okay to be a work in progress. What matters most is your commitment to growth and healing. 🌱

If you'd like to discuss your results, click on the button 

Take Your FREE Assessment NOW
Self-Love Assessment Logo

Take Your FREE Recovery Journey Assessment

Hello there, courageous soul! First and foremost, a heartfelt thank you for investing the time to check in with yourself through our Recovery Journey Assessment. Just taking this step shows how committed you are to your own healing and growth— and that's something truly commendable! 🙌

Your score is just a snapshot, a moment of reflection, allowing you to understand where you are in your incredible journey. Remember, no matter what your score, every day brings a new opportunity for self-improvement, connection, and joy. 😊

If you'd like to discuss your results personally, click the button below 

Take Your FREE Assessment NOW
Recovery Journey Assessment Surrounded by loving hands

Apply for The  AFTA Effect- FREE Application Assessment

Thank you for your interest in the AFTA Effect: 6-Week Self-Love Leap! This powerful program is designed to guide you on a transformative journey through Acknowledgement, Forgiveness, Trust, and Acceptance—the four pillars of self-love. Before beginning this life-changing experience, we invite you to complete this brief application.

These 10 questions will help us understand where you currently are in your self-love journey and how the program can best support your personal growth. By reflecting on your current mindset, expectations, and challenges, we can ensure that you’re in the right place to fully benefit from the program.

There are no wrong answers—just be honest with yourself and trust your instincts. We’re here to support you every step of the way!

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