About us

Welcome to Let's WRAP: Peer Training & Support Services, a leading Peer Recovery Specialist Training and Support Center located in Portsmouth, VA, USA. We are dedicated to providing comprehensive training and support for individuals seeking to become Peer Recovery Specialists and Peer Recovery Services for those that need support while on their recovery journey.

At Let's WRAP, we believe in the power of peer support and the transformative impact it can have on individuals in recovery. Our highly experienced team of trainers and support staff are committed to equipping our trainees with the knowledge, skills, and tools necessary to make a positive difference in the lives of others. Join us on this rewarding journey towards becoming a certified Peer Recovery Specialist and help make a lasting impact in your community.

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🌟 Recovery Reinvented Book Launch 🌟

📅 Date: October 14th 🕒 Time: 2pm - 4pm

Check out the highlights in the GALLERY

We missed your presence at the "Recovery Reinvented" book launch this past Oct 14th. You missed an enriching afternoon filled with meaningful conversation, expert insights, and a shared commitment to supporting those on their recovery journey.

The good news? This was just the beginning, and there will be more opportunities to engage and learn from each other. Keep an eye on your inbox; we'll be announcing future events, webinars, and workshops soon.

In the meantime, don't forget to grab your copy of "Recovery Reinvented" to stay up-to-date with all the resources you need as a new Peer Recovery Specialist. And rest assured, we're saving a special seat for you at our next event. We're looking forward to meeting you soon!

Available on AMAZON!

Recovery Reinvented

Recovery Reinvented

This book is not just reading material; it is a roadmap to effectively supporting others while also nurturing their own personal growth. Every page is a testament to the power of self-love and the incredible potential of the human spirit to heal and thrive."

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Healing With Heart

Healing With Heart

Rooted in the transformative power of self-love, this book is a beacon of hope and healing for individuals on their recovery journey. This book is not just about recovery; but a reintroduction to oneself. It encourage readers to embrace their true selves, flaws and all, teaching them to become the beholders of their own beauty.

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